Wednesday, May 25, 2016

WOYWW Happiness can sometimes be as simple as...

a walk at the lake when clouds pass

or playing along this Wednesday for the ATC swap.
Because today is the 7th Anniversary of the worldwide weekly desk hopping. YAAAAYY!!

I'm not in the studio today,
but I still wanted to let you in on what I'm up to.
I've been strolling around collecting driftwood and feathers.
I'm sure to find something to do with them.

Wishing you a happy and creative Wednesday. Wherever you are and whatever you're up to.

Pssssssssst .... I've got a secret....
I've decided that I'm gonna let you in on a secret of mine. Once a month, on the first Sunday of the month I'll be posting a secret of mine. I'm calling it
{ Secret Sunday }

My first Secret Sunday will begin on Sunday, June 5th.

So you just might like to join me. But don't tell anyone. It's supposed to  be a secret 


  1. What lovely photos to show us today. be sure to show us what you make with the feathers & drift wood. Jill #12

  2. You must a have lot of secrets to post them weekly, Michelle! I'm intrigued! Lovely finds! I've got a few collected feathers too, waiting for inspiration to strike! Love your cloudscape shot - it's very atmospheric! I've emailed you my address for the swap! Thanks for visiting earlier!

  3. Jetzt bin ich aber schon sehr neugierig auf deine Sonntag-Geheimnisse und kann es kaum erwarten!!!!
    Dein Abendfoto mit diesen grandiosen Wolken ist unglaublich schön! Diese klare Luft und solch eine Ruhe in diesem Bild... ja, unser Natur ist so bereichernd!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  4. Happy 7th WOYWW Mischra - thank you for joining the party today!! I love your photos, how beautiful are they. It'll be interesting to see what you do with the driftwood and feathers :-D
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  5. I love picking up things when I'm out walking. I made a whole hosts of canvasses some years ago with things I picked up on my moorland walks.
    You are naughty tormenting us with a secret.
    I'll be away at the time but will be sure to catch up later
    Lynn 15 x

  6. ooh secrets... love the photos - what a gorgeous day to be outside! Happy WOYWW Helen #11

  7. You got me all curious now about your secret.... I will try to remember to visit Sunday (it's our most busy day of the week)...
    I am determined to visit everyone. I have dedicated today to WOYWW. (a freezer meal for hubby I'm afraid!)

    Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary

  8. How mysterious, secret Sunday. I just hope I remember to come back!! Beautiful photos. Happy Anniversary!! Cindy #48 xx

  9. Lovely photographs and we all have to get out there sometimes for inspiration. Wishing you a happy and crafty 7th woyww anniversary, Angela x 30

  10. Love your photos. What a wonderful place to be able to walk.

    Happy WOYWW anniversary
    Sharon K #43

  11. Dear Michelle, I LOVE your photography (and your Art, and your posts) OK, I just love EVERYTHING about you! if you e-mail me your address to scrapbooklynne(at)hotmail(dot)com I made an ATC especially with you in mind (she says smiling and waving madly!) Happy WOYWW 7th Anniversary, Scrapbook Lynne Mizera WOYWW#58

  12. Ooh..sounds interesting. Happy WOYWW! Sorry for the late arrival. Elaine no. 33

  13. Thanks Michelle for stopping by and for your lovely comment and your best wishes.

  14. I am determined to get round all the desks in celebration of the fun we have with all our mad WOYWW friends so here I am! Such stunning photos there! Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary - here's to many more! x Jo #19

  15. Hallo ich bin hier
    und freu mich über die tollen Fotos!!!!
    und ganz liebe gute Wünsche

    Hello, I am here
    and please me about the great photos!!!!
    Heart greetings
    and quite dear good wishes

  16. I love your view here! I love collecting driftwood too (although hubby isn't too happy sometimes!) Look forward to finding out your secret! Chrisx ps Thank you joining my blog as a follower. I will send you message.

  17. Oh liebe Michelle, nun war ich etwas irritiert...,
    das ist ja genial, gerade lese ich du bist vom Ammersee wie klasse dort zu wohnen, sicher ein Traum und dann freu ich mich, denn dann kann ich ja auf Deutsch schreiben!
    Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt, ich habe mich über deinen Besuch bei mir so so sehr gefreut,
    auch über deine Zeichen und dein Follower werden!!
    Alles Liebe dir,

  18. What a beautiful place to stroll!
    Happy anniversary!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #2

  19. it makes me happy to look at this -- such beauty! xo

  20. Wunderschöne Stimmung! Genieße es!


Your comments are more the welcome ♥