Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Luscious layers of color

Journaling is such a wonderful way to learn more about your inner creativity.

As an artist you will grow. And with an art journal there are no obstacles. 

Just being able to create everyday is very helpful to me. That's why I am so in love with art journaling. There's no competition. No right or wrong. It's just your very own space to create.

Above all with that art journal if you don't like what your doing, well then just turn the page over.
It isn't about perfection. It's about creativity. Creativity lies within. Within your soul. 

So let it out. That creativity. Just grab your art journal and have some fun!

Slapping down color randomly. Scribbling. 
Adding bits of collage. Adding more color.

flowers suddenly begin to bloom

hearts just appear from out of the blue

leaves come to life amidst random scribbles

and snowflakes fall

Ahhhhh what a wonderful world!

Sure hope that I could give you some inspiration. Girl you just might wanna grab that journal of yours.



  1. This is just magical! Your blog post brought to mind one of my favourite Picasso quotes: "Inspiration Exists, but it has to find you working."

    1. That is a truly wonderful and very inspiring quote! Thank you for your kind words dear Lynne, They mean so much to me.

  2. Danke für die vielen Ideen Michelle, das
    freut mich sehr, da ich mich noch in den Kinderschuhen des "Art-Journals" befinde. Es ist toll, dass alles erlaubt ist, kleben, zeichnen, malen, schreiben, das macht einen Gesamteindruck, der mir besonders gut gefällt.
    Lg Sadie

    1. Ein Art Journal ist so eine wunderbare, einmalige Sache wo ich ganz alleine mit meinen Gedanken und Gefühlen bei mir bin. Ich habe neuerdings ein deutsche Seite über Art Journaln... - ich bin allerdings noch sehr jungfräulich beim bloggen. Es soll in naher Zukunft strukturierter werden.
      Liebe Grüße und viel Freude am journaln!

  3. How lovely and inspiring! This post perfectly captures the joys of art journaling!

    1. Ohhh thank you sweet Abigail ( such a pretty name you have :-) ... yes, I must confess, I'm an art journal addict and I love to share my pages and spread the creative word in the wonderful art journal community.

  4. I love layers and bright colors and your art has both! Absolutely gorgeous!!

    1. Oh thank you dear Janet! I'm so happy that you found me and my little artsy blog.
      Love, happiness and creativity to you!

  5. What lovely colors you use! I am trying to find out how to follow you. See you around the neighborhood! xo

    1. Why thank you Dea! So happy to have you here. I must confess that I'm a newbie with my blog and I don't know how to add in all of this widget thingy does or whatever they are called. I'm going to do some spring cleaning and a bit of remodeling soon! Hope you find your way back to me :-)

  6. hallo michelle,
    durch deinen Kommentar bei mir (vielen dank!) bin ich auf deinen farbenfrohen (liebe ich!) blog gekommen...
    ich fands witzig, dass doch jemand die marke "dinzler" registriert hat - hab extra nichts dazu geschrieben, aber es natürlich meine absolut unübertreffliche lieblings-kaffeemarke!

  7. I came to visit your most recent post and decided to look around a bit more. ;) I love this post and these peeks into your art journal. Love all the colors!


Your comments are more the welcome ♥