Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Flowers on my desk... and in my journal

Hey there! You might just want to take a small peek into the studio...
the place is a mess, but...
the flowers I had on my desk over the weekend tickled my inspirational soul.
Just letting my heart lead the way...
 these blobs 
 actually started to bloom in my journal!
Just letting go and doodling.
Sometimes you just don't need words to capture the moment 

Hope you have a fun week!



  1. How inspiring, your drawing is really pretty :) @Clemencia44

  2. Wow. So pretty. Soft. So talented. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

  3. Oh, da muss dich jemand sehr lieb haben! Ist dies ein traumhafter Strauß, so schön locker arrangiert...diese fantastischen Zipfeltulpen! Kein Wunder, dass du bei dieser Pracht zum Pinsel greifen musstest, um den rosa Traum festzuhalten. Allein die pink-rosa Tupfen auf dem Papier sehen schon gut aus, und die Doodle-Linien sind perfekt!
    Hast du auf handgeschöpftem Papier gearbeitet?
    Beste Grüße von Ulrike

    1. Nein, niemand hat mich lieb - doch doch, keine Sorge :-) ... aber dennoch, die Blumen habe ich selber gekauft und ganz einfach (weil es so viele waren!!) in dieses Ding (Suppenterrine glaube ich) gesteckt :-) Die Rosen waren ganz einfach billige bei Edeka. Die haben mich so angelacht. Die Tulpen sind vom Tulpenfeld in meiner Nähe.... oooohhhhhh die haben ganz tolle Tulpen. Immer wenn ich vorbei fahre muss ich welche kaufen :-)
      Ja das Papier ist handgeschöpft. Ich hab' mir ein Art Journal selber zusammen gestellt und neu gebunden. Ein altes Buch wurde hiermit zum neuen Leben erweckt. Ein Traum sage ich dir!!!!
      Ganz liebe Grüße liebe Ulrike!!!

  4. Liebe Michelle,
    einfach faszinierend, Tischblumen und eine
    Journalblumen ;-)
    Lg Sadie

  5. That's is beautiful! If that is 'just' journalling I'm giving up now! Beautiful' beautiful work. Elaine no. 51

  6. Beautiful flowers, both the real ones and the doodles. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xx

  7. WOW!!!! You are soooo talented!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #44

  8. Absolutely love these colours. I messed with some distress inks a while ago in these colours. I'll see if I can find the link.
    Yours look fabulous
    Lynn 13 x

  9. Ganz zauberhaft diese Rosen in natura und deine so zart dahingestrichelten auch. Schön wie du das so locker, luftig gestaltet hast. Toller Stil! Gefällt mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Beautiful! thanks for visiting. Helen #1

  11. The flowers on your desk are beautiful as is your interpretation of them. envy you your wonderful talent. Thanks for visiting me. Anne x #24

  12. Love your doodling in your journal. And you are right. Sometimes you don't need words.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #29

  13. Wow those drawings on your journal page are beautiful.Sorry for the late post - thanks for your visit earlier today . soojay xx

  14. Beautiful flowers and what a beautiful inspiration they make. Your painting is gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #36

  15. Gorgeous flowers and lovely art journaling -- it seems as if you were able to just be really free and loose with your work, with such a good result. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #37

  16. Beautiful flowers and a gorgeous canvas. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafty woyww, Angela x 16

  17. Beautiful flowers! Especially those tulips. And I can imaginne it inspired you to paint some flowers.
    Thanks for visiting and your kind comment,
    Happy WOYWW

  18. WOW! I'm impressed!! And the bouquet on your table is gorgeous, too!! Thanks for the visit and hope you have a great week.
    Carol N #34

  19. I like how you made your blobs into a wonderful flowers it's turning out great hugs Nikki 5

  20. Hello your art journal page is so beautiful I love the way you have doodled on it. This is so inspiring. Have a great week and thanks for visiting my blog. Hugs~Anne L#38

  21. Wow, stunning work - your drawing is beautiful and I'm in love with those tulips with the fuzzy edge - I've never seen anything like them before - aren't they gorgeous. Thanks so much for the visit to mine, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #19

  22. Well, I have never seen anyone create art like that but what fun you had and what a fabulous result. Look forward to seeing more.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  23. The flowers in your journal are amazing. Thanks for visiting me BJ#27

  24. Beautiful flowers- your journal page needs to be pulled out and put on my wall! Love it; those beautiful "blobs" of pink brought to life by your amazing "doodling"! And I can see how your were inspired by those lovely blooms on your desk! Looks like the prettiest roses and perhaps tulips I've ever seen! Hugs!

  25. Wow those blobs are the most beautiful flowers absolutely love how you have created the detail with the fine pen lines. I only use watercolour paints at the moment. But, when on holidays I tend to use paints, pencils and fine pen to quickly sketch a scene. I had a peek at your previous post and think your journal page is stunning.
    sandra de @35

  26. love how the blotches turned in these delicate flowers, wonderful. Happy WOYWW Vicky#9

  27. Ein ganz wundervoller Strauß und fabelhaft wie Du die Flecken zu Rosen ausgearbeitet hast ! Sieht einfach nur toll aus!
    Liebe Grüße

  28. I love to journal and your blobs bloomed so lovely!!
    I am also your newest follower!!
    Happy Creative week to you!!
    Kim #65

  29. These are gorgeous! the in real life ones and your journal.

  30. Gorgeous flowers MiSchra and a happy blog post! It brightened up my day this morning! Love how you were inspired by those beautiful flowers and created something even more beautiful! Have a lovely weekend! Thanks for visiting earlier and sorry it took me a while to get back! zsuzsa #32

  31. Wowzah! I love the flowers but I love even more how you captured them on paper! Great page! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier - happy belated woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #26

  32. Beautiful, truly superb flowers indeed Mischra no wonder they inspired you!! Well painted/drawn as well.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  33. Beautiful, the flowers look so delicate. Love it.


Your comments are more the welcome ♥