Friday, April 29, 2016

Yay, it's Friday!!

I'm so happy to join in on the fun at PPF again this week! I'm giving this beauty on my desk touch-ups and thinking of getting her framed. It's been a crazy week and want to let you in on a workshop I recently held.

{ Promote your passion }
That's the reason I held an art journal workshop in my area. Along with fine painting, art journaling is a true passion of mine. And I wanted to share this with the women in my community & let you in on the fun we had!
Beautiful woman joined me together for a wonderful evening of adventure. They had no idea what an art journal is nor what it meant or what on earth to do(!)  I have to let you know that art journaling isn't popular at all here in southern Germany.
- I had so much fun creating small tags & ribbons from scraps of cloth
to then package up books to alter and miscellaneous treats for those lovely ladies -

I gave each and every one a small starter kit to take home with them
After I told them a little bit about art journaling, the process of creating and other basic details they took a peek into my numerous journals. We then started. And let me tell you, they were unstoppable. We had so much fun together. Laughing, sharing art and other stories.  Our creative session lasted until late into the night.

The tribe of art journalers has grown since that night. Those ladies fell in love with the process of letting go and creating. Now we'll be meeting on a regular basis. Mission accomplished!!

If you're an art journaler you too might want to flock your tribe together. Try it. I know you'll like it... and there are others out there who might just fall in love.



  1. Lovely face. Glad you had fun with your course, I was wondering where you were on Tuesday....Crafting together is always good. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. My sweet Kendall has been collaging this week. She made several Mother's Day collages for mommy and others. I am glad I have a partner in art!!

  3. beautiful portrait - I love the colors you chose to use. How inspiring to gather such a group and encourage them to create because I do believe everyone can create and journal!

  4. Love what you do and I definitely need an art journaling course.

  5. pretty face, luv the journal page also

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  6. Beautiful portrait! Sounds like a lot of crafting fun was had!

  7. A beautiful painting and I love this colourful journal page!

  8. I love this portrait--her face is beautiful. I also adore your excellent use of warm and cold colors.

  9. Your beautiful rainbow lady is just amazing
    Happy #PPF

  10. She is beautiful. Happy PPF ❤

  11. Dein Portrait ist ganz großartig anzusehen, einfach toll gemalt - ich sagte ja schon: du bist eine tolle Künstlerin!
    ... und man sieht am Workshop-Arbeitstisch, wie toll der Abend war! Du hast aber auch so liebevolle Geschenke für alle Teilnehmerinnen vorbereitet, eine ganz nette Idee!
    Beste Grüße von Ulrike

  12. Great art and how lovely to introduce the ladies to art journaling. Happy PP Friday!

  13. I found the details of your workshops really intresting. I love the idea of giving participants a little goody bag to take home...that's an idea I am going to use for my future workshops!

  14. Your workshop sounded like a blast! It's amazing what happens when you get a group of women together for a creative purpose. So much more comes from such a gathering....laughter, fellowship, bonding and strong friendships. I know they will all be looking forward to each get-together.

  15. Oh wow! Your portrait is exquisite! Love the way you have shaped the face so perfectly. Your paint party with friends sounds like such fun. I know they will all want to have a repeat party soon!

  16. Wundervoll! Maybe I will look for my tribe here to. ♥♥♥

  17. Love the painting and it will look so grand framed :) Your Journaling group sounds so much fun. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Stunning painting...sounds like you are on the ground floor of the art journal revolution in Germany!! Good for you spreading the many woman get so much solace out of journaling!! Good job making a difference!!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. What a lovely painting, her face is so beautiful. I'm glad you spread your love of art journaling.

  20. What a loverly face. Great journaling friends tool

  21. Oh I have loved my visit to your blog this evening! The portrait is lovely - I love the use of color. And it was so much fun to read about your art journaling group. How wonderful that you made a little journal and a starter pack for each participant! Sounds like tremendous fun!

  22. Wow, what a gorgeous face! And how fun to a studio big enough for a little class gathering. Nice! Hugs-Erika

  23. Wow...das sieht ja genial aus
    ich bin begeistert !
    Liebe Grüsse

  24. What a lovely idea to run an art journal group like this! I love the face you created too - inspired use of colour. xx

  25. Beautiful beautiful face! The colors are lovely too. What a great idea to start an art journal course. It is great way to socialize while doing art.

  26. Thank you for dropping by to take a peek at my poppies. I'm loving your lady! x Julie

  27. this is incredibly beautiful! xo

  28. Wow! What a beautiful work of art! Your girl looks amazing!

  29. wow!!! I love your work!

  30. Beautiful portrait, I love how colourful she is. And your course sounds like so much fun! Art journaling doesn't seem to be very popular here in Switzerland either.

  31. OH How inspiring your post was, I could just imagine the wonderful energy coloring the air in your studio that night! This is what I want to do here in my small town of Creston, British Columbia, Canada!! Thanks you sooo much Michelle for sharing.


Your comments are more the welcome ♥